Kid's Health

Becoming a mom has been the most rewarding and challenging things I have ever done. My two girls continuously teach me about exploring the world and re-learning what I thought I knew. I have two very different girls that have brought so much light into our lives.

Just like many other parents, I strive to learn how to become the best I can so that I can lead them in this world. Being a lover of health has stretched my questions and concerns for my girls growing up in this world. Finding a balance of healthy eating and environments, while allowing them to experience the world of birthday parties has been a struggle for me.

One thing that I am learning though, that as long as I can keep our foods at home and our environment at home healthy and clean, they are becoming better listeners to their own body. They aren’t needing me as much to tell them that they have had enough junk food or that they are starting to feel tired from the over stimulating environment. They are learning what they can and cannot handle and what feels right for them.

My girls are very different and they both handle situations very differently. I have one that is introverted and very quiet (although she is really coming out of her shell) and one that is extroverted. They react to birthday parties, crowds, school, and busy days very differently. But one thing we talk about very openly in our family is to pay attention when our brains and our body has had enough. That we need to listen and take care of ourselves.

For us, clean eating (as best as we can), and a calm structured environment (as best as we can), has helped my girls feel safe, healthy, and free to express themselves. We talk a lot about our family being “our safe place”. That no matter what happens out in the world and how the day goes, that everyone should feel like they can walk into our home knowing that they will not be judged or shamed. We teach them about being open with their struggles and strengths from the day by my husband and I sharing our strengths and struggles from the day. Having this open dialogue has really helped our girls feel ok with expressing what they are feeling inside. Here are two books that I have found very helpful in opening that communication and connecting with our children:

Brene’ Brown The Power of Vulnerability :

As for our emotional health and well being, my girls love to turn to their essential oils. We use them daily for mental clarity, immune support, digestive support, and all the bumps and scrapes life brings our ways. As a mom, teaching them and showing them how to become an active member in their own self-care has been one of the most rewarding things to watch.

If you are interested in helping your kids start on essential oils, here is my suggested Healthy Kids Starter Kit: Click here or click on the image to get started today.

With this starter kit you will also receive:

  1. A welcome letter from me

  2. A FREE wellness consultation

  3. an ebook with over 100 ways to use your oils

  4. Exclusive access to our essential oil communities on facebook

Life is not about being rich, being popular, being highly educated, or being perfect. It is about being real, being humble, and being kind.
— Unkown

Wishing you light and love,
